1. What is your definition of blended learning?
As the name suggests, to me blended learning entails online learning and face-to-face learning; a combination, as it were, of the two modes of delivery.
2. What do you think are the opportunities of a blended approach to learning?
As the name suggests, and if my definition of blended learning as alluded to above is valid, then the opportunities that a blended approach to learning offers is primarily one of flexibility and choice. One would have the flexibility and choice to use the best approach or combination of approaches which best address specific situations and circumstances.
3. What are some of the challenges with blended learning?
Availability and accessibility of technology?
Choosing which way to lean on the “blended” spectrum?
Using inline when face-to-face would have been preferable and vice versa?
4. How do you think you could apply a blended approach in your school, workplace, and/or institution? Looking forward to reading your responses!!
I think this question would probably be best answered at the end of this course.
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