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Sandra Rogers

My Biography

Dr. Rogers is an instructional designer at UCLA’s Instructional Design Studio for the Chancellor’s Online Teaching and Learning Initiative. Her research areas of interest include distance education, gaming, and second language acquisition. She has a master of arts in teaching English to speakers of other languages and holds a K-12 bilingual (Spanish/English) teaching certificate from the California Commission on Teaching. She’s a Quality Matters certified peer reviewer for online courses. She is the co-author of the Online Community of Inquiry Syllabus Rubric (Copyright 2015 by Rogers & Van Haneghan), which is used to review the planned interaction treatments (ITs) for online courses. Its purpose is to determine the inclusion and strength of ITs in online course syllabi according to the COI triad of presences. The theoretical underlying premise is the more interactive the course, the higher the level of student satisfaction and course achievement.